Bermuda buttercup nursery
Bermuda buttercup nursery

bermuda buttercup nursery

(DOUBLE BUTTERCUP.) This is exactly like the lovely Buttercup Oxalis except that the flowers are as double and perfect as a Rose. Lavender-A fine larsre flower of a unique lavender color, Plant has a branching habit, not so compact as the white or pink. It is one of the best and most beautiful flowers for winter. Finest recent novelty, and has been widely advertised. Grand Duchess Pink-Enormous size, bright rosy pink. We have three colors to offer, bright pink, lavender, and pure white. A most persistent bloomer, remaining constantly in flower from November to June, Surely one of the most exquisite and satisfactory of all winter-blooming bulbs. 3 inches across, borne well above the foliage and of the most lovely pink color leaves, large clover-shaped and hand- some. There is no doubt about its being the grandest Oxalis, and one of the most beautiful and taking winter flowers it is possible to have. Mixed Oxalis, 25 Sorts-A fine mixture of a great variety of fine winter-blooming sorts. each 3 of any one kind for 10c 12 for 30c. Beautiful foliage and com- pact growth with an abundance of large pearly-white blossoms, each petal having a wide border of brilliant scarlet, a combination which is truly charming. Lutea Major-Bright golden yellow in large clusters, One of the most magnificent. Bowi-Extra large brilliant red blossoms and luxuriant foliasre. Multiflora Alba-A good sort producing pure white blossoms. Easily grown in any window and a most satis- factory winter bloomer. Bulbs commence blooming soon after planting and continue all winter without a break. Blooms in enormous panicles, each flower being as large as a silver half-dollar and of a clear bright yellow color. Bermuda Buttercup-A fine, robust-growing,large-flower- ing sort from Bermuda.


Our bulbs are particularly fine, and the Grand Duchess, Bermuda Buttercup, and Versicolor will be found to be exceedingly showy and free blooming.

bermuda buttercup nursery

They bloom during the entire winter, a thing we can expect of very few plants or bulbs, and are for that reason doubly worthy of a place in every collection of win- ter-blooming bulbs. Plant five and six bulbs in a 6-inch pot, They commence growth immediately after planting and need not be set away to form roots like most other bulbs. Winter-blooming Oxalis are always sure to please. They make the most beautiful hanging pots and baskets, producing a mass of flowers all winter, which, in brilliant and beautiful colors are truly charming. These varieties of Oxalis are all for winter blooming. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibraryĬlick here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Libraryĭigitizing Sponsor: U.S. Y. : John Lewis ChildsĬontributing Library: U.S. Subjects: Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs Bulbs (Plants) Seeds Catalogs Flowers Seeds Catalogs John Lewis Childs (Firm) Nurseries (Horticulture) Bulbs (Plants) Flowers

bermuda buttercup nursery

Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Identifier: childsfallcatalo00john_5 ( find matches)Īuthors: John Lewis Childs (Firm) Henry G. Title: Childs' fall catalogue of bulbs and plants that bloom

Bermuda buttercup nursery